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Steps to Take Before You Prepare Your Taxes

Tax preparation can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and organization, it can become more manageable and less stressful. Before diving into the intricacies of tax forms and deductions, it’s essential to take several preparatory steps to ensure a smooth and accurate filing process. This article outlines crucial steps you should take before you prepare your taxes, helping you streamline the process and maximize your tax benefits.

Gather All Relevant Documents

The first step in preparing your taxes is to gather all the necessary documents. These may include your W-2 or 1099 forms from your employer, investment statements, bank statements, mortgage interest statements, and any other relevant financial documents. For more information and help on how to form and collect them, visit the following website and have all your forms at hand. Organize them neatly, and if possible, create a checklist to ensure you don’t miss anything. Having all your documents ready will save time and prevent the hassle of searching for missing information later.

Review Personal Information

Before proceeding with tax preparation, review your personal information. Ensure that your name, address, and social security number are accurate on all the documents. In case of any discrepancies, it’s crucial to correct them to avoid potential delays or issues with the IRS. Take this opportunity to update any changes in your contact details to receive correspondence from the tax authorities promptly.

Evaluate Changes in Circumstances

Life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or a change in employment status can have significant impacts on your tax situation. Before preparing your taxes, assess any changes in circumstances that occurred during the tax year. This will help you determine your filing status, eligibility for specific deductions or credits, and potential changes in tax brackets.

Review Previous Year’s Return

A helpful step in the tax preparation process is to review your previous year’s tax return. This will refresh your memory on the deductions and credits you claimed, ensuring you don’t overlook any potential tax benefits this year. Additionally, comparing the previous year’s return with this year’s can help identify any anomalies or errors that need to be rectified.

Consider Tax Credits and Deductions

Take some time to research and understand the tax credits and deductions you may be eligible for. Tax credits directly reduce your tax liability, while deductions lower your taxable income. Some common credits include the Child Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, and Education Credits. Deductions can include student loan interest, medical expenses, and charitable contributions. Properly identifying and claiming these credits and deductions can significantly impact your tax refund or amount owed.

Organize and Utilize Tax Software

Decide whether you will prepare your taxes manually or use tax preparation software or seek professional help. Tax software can simplify the process, guiding you through the necessary steps and calculations. Professional tax advisors can provide expert advice, ensuring accurate and optimized tax filings. Select the method that aligns with your comfort level and the complexity of your tax situation.


Preparing your taxes can be a manageable task with careful planning and organization. By following these essential steps before diving into tax preparation, you can ensure that you have all the necessary documents, understand your tax situation better, and maximize your tax benefits. Take the time to gather information, review your personal details, consider any life changes, and explore available tax credits and deductions. Whether you choose to use tax software or seek professional assistance, being prepared will lead to a smoother and more successful tax-filing experience.